As a newbie to Sylius and Symfony, the many configuration files are overwhelmed me, so I decided to reduce them by doing the database mappings inside my models using Doctrine Annotations. Since Sylius recommends the usage of YAML or XML (for reasons I don’t know), there is no documentation available about how to switch to annotations. However, after some trial and error I got it to work.
Under the hood Sylius uses Doctrine ORM to map your models to the database. Doctrine offers three ways to define the mapping configuration:
A fresh Sylius project will use *.yaml
files by default, which are living in Resources/config/doctrine/
. This is configured in config/packages/doctrine.yml
at the very bottom.
1parameters: 2 # Adds a fallback DATABASE_URL if the env var is not set. 3 # This allows you to run cache:warmup even if your 4 # environment variables are not available yet. 5 # You should not need to change this value. 6 env(DATABASE_URL): '' 7 8doctrine: 9 dbal:10 driver: 'pdo_mysql'11 server_version: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_SERVER_VERSION)%'12 charset: UTF813 14 url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'15 orm:16 auto_generate_proxy_classes: '%kernel.debug%'17 naming_strategy:18 doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore19 auto_mapping: true20 mappings:21 App:22 is_bundle: false23 type: yml24 dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Resources/config/doctrine'25 prefix: 'App\Entity'26 alias: App
There are only two changes in this file:
use annotation as type
change the path from the folder with the config files to the folder with your entities / models.
1type: annotation2dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
As a last step I had to add the annotations to all my models. This is surprisingly easy with PhpStorm and the Symfony Plugin enabled. With the cursor inside the class I had to type Ctrl + Enter
to get this menu:
With selecting the ORM Class item, PhpStorm added the necessary annotations to the class:
In this case the database name is correct as PhpStorm just derives the name from the model. I had to change it to sylius_product. With the menu item ORM Annotation PhpStorm helps you to generate the mapping configurations to the class properties:
I like this approach much better than have the mapping somewhere else hidden.